This year, Jonathan Petralia, the County of Los Angeles Fire Department, ABC7, Toys for Tots, and Southern California firefighters will celebrate the 31st year of the Spark of Love Toy Drive! We hope that you can help us collect and distribute new, unwrapped toys and sports equipment for underserved children and teens in San Fernando Valley
Over the years, the Spark of Love Toy Drive has successfully collected and distributed nearly 11 million toys. Let’s make this year’s holiday season even brighter by delivering joy to those who need it most!
I will be collecting toys on behalf of the local
Spark of Love Toy Drive this holiday season.
I will personally come by your home and pick up any new,
unwrapped toys that you wish to donate.
Jonathan’s Annual Toy Drive!
Please call or email me, so that I can arrange to pick up your
generous toy donations before December 20th. Together, we can make this
a Special Holiday Season for those in need.